Simulation Project tripleaxis: Tuning the RITA-2 monochromator

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Make a model of the 5-blade monochromator using the component Monochromator_flat. You should then select the "RITA-2 standard" neutron energy of 5.0 meV. Scan the monochromator curvature to obtain the maximum signal at the sample, which is 0.02 m high and 0.01 m wide. Compare to the calculated value.

Using the best setting found above, simulate the intensity, divergence and the energy distribution at the sample position. Compare with the situation where the monochromator is flat (zero curvature).

Perform the same tuning for the other "standard" energies of 3.7 meV and 14 meV and compare to the results for a flat monochromator. Try also the energy 7.0 meV, which you will need later. Comment on the results.

McStas hint

To optimize the simulations now and later, you should choose a limited wavelength interval at the source. Check at your wavelength monitor that this interval is still broad enough to simulate all neutrons that would have hit the sample.