Simulation Project powder: DMC multi-detector

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We now want to replace the PSD_monitor with a model of the DMC detector which has 400 channels with a 0.2\(^\circ\) spacing, each 0.1 m tall. It is often run in two settings, 0.1\(^{\circ}\) apart. In this way the effective angular spacing between adjacent channels is 0.1\(^{\circ}\), and the distance between detector channels 1 and 800 is 79.9\(^\circ\). The detector can rotate around the sample until the highest detector channel is at approx. 140\(^\circ\). In McStas, this detector can be inserted by means of Monitor_nD with input parameters (exactly)

 options = "banana, theta bins=800 limits=[20 100]",
 xwidth = 2, yheight = 0.1, filename = "My_datafile"

Test the new detector set-up. Simulate incoherent background counts in all detector channels e.g. by exchanging the Powder1 sample for a V_sample component of same size. Then put back the Powder1 sample and the vary the collimation of the incoming beam to see how this affects the powder signal.