Simulation Project SANS-2: A full virtual experiment - spheres sample

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The component Sans_spheres uses the formfactor derived earlier. Use this sample and the simulated set-up to make a full virtual SANS experiment. Insert a Sans_spheres sample 0.05 m behind the last slit and perform a simulation. Use the particle size \(R=100\) Å, and the excess scattering length density \(\Delta \rho \approx -0.6\) fm\(/\)Å\(^3\) as calculated as the average scattering length density for the liposomes in the problem Phospholipid bilayer liposomes. You can set the absorption cross-section to zero.

Try a few settings of collimation length and detector length to simulate the result in various ranges of \(q\). Try also particles of sizes \(R=200\) Å and 400 Å. Plot the theoretical total scattering intensity for \(R=100\) Å and 400 Å.

McStas hint

Use if possible similar collimation length and detector distance. Convert position at the radially averaging detector to \(q\) for each detector distance.